Just returned back from a 4 day adventure to Edinburgh with Hannah and Amy where we stayed in this crazy hostel called the castle rock and shared a 14 room dorm with random girls and were greeted at reception by crazy Australian staff who reassured us constantly we'd have " A WICKEDD TIME YAH"
Highlights including: Miss Laura Marling the first night we arrived, such a beautiful and effortless talent she beholds! She silenced the room with her songs and banter, even Amy had an almighty nosebleed as soon as she walked on stage, she literally exploded with excitment.
Boy & Bear who supported Laura Marl are definately worth checking out, very Bon Iver/Fleet Foxes/The Shins and did a beautiful cover of Flume by Bon..
Also caught up with the lovely Joy who is living in Edinburgh slap bang in the center and generally having a blast (tres jealous) me and hannah spent the evening dancing with her in the Hive this wicked underground sort of cave nightclub that played everything from Vampire Weekend to Noah and the Whale..
Generally lounging in the sun in the meadows, picnics, meals and cake stops out were had and on the very last day we thought it'd be good for our legs to walk up Arthurs Seat.
Half an hour into the walk, me and hannah realised Topshop dresses and inappropriate footwear was defintately not suitable for this walk...Que lots of dress flying up and flashing poor hiking scottish people!
OH! I also discovered where I'm going to be living in Edinburgh this September and the whole of next year, with two lovely scottish ECA girls who have a pet hamster called Pandora :)
(picture of the street I'm living on is at the top!)
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