Greetings neglected blog. I have considered the fact that my time spent on here could be useful time spent drawing, reading, interacting with other humans, gyming, walking, sewing etc. but theres something about the fact that I can spill my minute teenage problems onto an open web page that draws me back in....
So, here I am. Busy sending all my university applications off and have my first interview at Leeds university on the 3rd of Feb, how nerve wracking! Highlights of the past few weeks have been:
Hannahs suprise 20th Birthday meal at Tommys crazy house in Lancaster then pottering around Lancaster with them both the day after and visiting this beautiful little Veggie restaurant called the Whale Tail.
Revisting Jenx with the boys and girls and reclaiming my long lost teen recklessness.
Vistiting my friends VERY posh house and having a cosy movie night with the boys and girls.
Witnessing the poulton fire at the teanlowe center in pretty much our pj's chatting to radio presenters and watching the fire engines and firemen whizz past.
Finally seeing Nine with Amy at the cinema, Daniel Day Lewis is truly too cool in that film.
General strolls, bed chats and deep discussions with hannah about the complicated species that is the male.
I've also been trying to compose a couple new songs on the piano in the spare time I can grab and really want to record some of them when they sound polished enough!
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